Sat 1 Feb 1997
Posted by erik under freeverse, poetry
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It’s really starting to get to Me. I’m
having a very hard time with It. all I can do is sit back
and watch what happens as It Builds. I sit here
wondering why It’s happening to Me? was it something
I Said or was it something I Did?
I can’t believe what’s been happening
why Me? how does It justify the fact that
It takes everything out on Me!
I can’t even walk down the street or the hall
without It getting Me.
It follows Me everywhere and It even follows Me
when I go off to be alone. It’s even there
when nothing else is. how can I get Myself away
from It? I just don’t understand how
this can be happening.
Maybe there’s a way out through My mind. I can escape
It if I try hard enough. But I even wonder sometimes
why It can get into My mind, My stronghold,
My citadel. If It intrudes into that safeplace
all Hope is lost.